Connie Lane - Merrimack District 16

Affordable Healthcare

I believe that every resident of NH should have access to affordable health care, including prescription medications.  I know the Affordable Care Act is imperfect, and will explore creative solutions to improve it for NH residents, working with insurance companies, hospitals, and care providers.  I will explore how other states are addressing the gaps in the Affordable Care Act to see if they are viable here in NH.  I recognize the impact of the opioid crises on NH families, and the urgency for implementing a comprehensive system of care for all of those affected – the patients, their families, and their communities.


Strong Public Education

Strong public schools are imperative for building a vibrant democracy and a modern workforce. All NH residents deserve access to a quality public education that will allow them to reach their full potential. It is the best path to individual success and the collective success of our state.   In recent years, the State has reduced its financial commitment to schools – reducing funding to pensions and the building fund.  These reductions have resulted in increased real estate taxes in many communities.  In those communities that cannot afford tax increases, the quality of public schools is deteriorating.   Quality education must not be dependent on where a child lives or what their parents can afford to pay.  I will work to increase funding for all public schools and fight to prevent funding from being depleted by voucher or other programs.  We should be increasing our commitment to education, not decreasing it. 


Sound & Economical Infrastructure

Infrastructure is key to economic growth.  NH’s infrastructure has been neglected for many years.  To build a better economy and prepare for the future, our State needs to invest in its infrastructure: roads, rails, bridges, dams, internet, water supplies, waste water treatment, school and other public buildings, and energy creation and distribution.  Our investment in infrastructure tells employers and residents that we are strategically preparing for the future growth of our State.  Not only does the building of the infrastructure itself create jobs - its completion tells entrepreneurs and large companies that NH has what they need to grow their business.  

Conway Rail Road Bridge Fall Rev B   095A9306.jpg


Affordable Housing

Affordable housing encourages and supports the economic and community development of the Granite State.  With vacancy rates of 1-3% in the southern tier of NH, workers have a difficult time finding an apartment they can afford.  Purchasing a home is even more daunting since starter homes are scarce.  Housing availability is not keeping pace with our economic growth.  Prices and rents are surpassing wage growth.  Without enough affordable housing, we cannot attract new workers.  We must find ways to support affordable housing for all workers in NH.